Accelerate your climate career
The Climatebase Fellowship
The Climatebase Fellowship is the climate career accelerator designed to help ambitious mission-driven professionals supercharge their careers in climate, land their next job, or start their own projects and ventures.
Applications for Cohort 7 are open.
The climate career accelerator
The Climatebase Fellowship combines a 12-week industry-oriented educational program and ongoing community membership throughout the year. Access expert guest speaker sessions, career support, project-based work, and a supportive network of highly talented peers.
Join an ambitious collective of optimists, doers, creators, visionaries, disruptors, and explorers from a wide range of backgrounds and organizations such as:
12-Week Cohort-Based Program
Climate Curriculum
Rapidly level-up your climate literacy through weekly curriculum sessions led by our expert instructors
Expert Speakers
Gain real-world industry insights through panels, keynotes, and deep-dives with over 50 climate leaders per cohort
Support For Job Seekers & Founders
Dedicated support for job seekers, capstone project teams, and early-stage startup founders
Expand your network through online socials, 1-on-1 and group networking, and regional in-person meetups
Graduate with an official Certificate Of Completion, which you can add to your LinkedIn and share with your network
Ongoing Community Membership
Ongoing Networking
Continue growing your professional connections with our community of 1000+ alumni and climate experts
Ongoing Access
Access future cohorts, live sessions, & a growing video library of keynotes, deep dives, panels, & more
Ongoing Support
Receive ongoing support with exclusive career fairs for jobseekers, demo days for early-stage founders, and more
Elevate your leadership and deepen your focus through interest groups, regional hubs, and Fellow-led sessions
Thought Leadership
Elevate your professional profile through Climatebase's newsletter, platform, and community
Who is the Fellowship for?
Climatebase Fellows join with a wide range of personal and professional goals, from landing their first job in climate, to career advancement, furthering their education, gaining experience by working on projects, or even launching their own ventures.
For job seekers and explorers
Liliana C.
Program Manager (Sustainability)
My Fellowship experience was nothing short of incredible! Learning from experts in the field was a game-changer, especially the job seeker sessions which provided practical tips that I used in my job search. These insights not only boosted my confidence but also gave me a solid strategy for tackling interviews. What made it even more amazing was connecting with other Fellows. Their diverse backgrounds brought a wealth of information that helped me during job interviews. In addition to this, I was lucky to participate in two networking events with people living in my area and to support one another during our job search. The community was fantastic, providing a space to bounce my ideas off of and to refine my job search. The Fellowship not only gave me the confidence to continue my job search but also helped me to identify my unique skills and the value I can bring to new roles. It's been a journey of growth, and I'm excited about the opportunities ahead!... more
Anushka M.
Senior Product Manager
Before participating in the Climatebase Fellowship, I knew I wanted to pivot my career to climate but was overwhelmed by trying to discover and map the full solution space. Joining the Climatebase Fellowship helped me understand the lay of the land in the climate space, understand what opportunities looked like in the various solution areas, and narrow down my immediate focus. Through the Fellowship, I was given the community and resources to delve deeper into my interest areas. I found a co-founder (Jacob Simon) for a climate positivity newsletter, Climativity . I found a working group to dive deeper into energy markets and better understand how policy could incentivize the adoption of clean energy assets. Most significantly, I built up the network and the experience that helped me land my first climate job at Form Energy, a long-duration energy storage company. The Climatebase Fellowship served as an integral part of my climate journey, and I'm very thankful that I was able to take part in it!... more
Kenji M.
Senior Software Engineer Research Development
When I came to the Climatebase Fellowship, I was burned out after many years in big tech. Like many software engineers, I enjoy technical work for its own sake — but I was missing something, and I wanted to see if mission alignment was the missing piece. So I began looking for a way to transition into climate tech. Making such a big shift well into the middle stages of my career was daunting, but the Climatebase Fellowship gave me the inspiration I needed. Finding a peer group of like-minded seekers boosted my morale and helped me stay the course. Ultimately, I found a position that draws on my unique skill set and gives me a chance to make a real difference. I’ve been working to reduce carbon emissions at Monolith for a little over a year now and mission-driven work brings me the fulfillment I was looking for.... more
Ting W.
Program Manager
I am fortunate to have secured a new job just a month or two after completing the Climatebase Fellowship, and I believe that Climatebase was instrumental in that. Not only did the Fellowship give me a boost on my resume and something to add to my climate bonafides, but the supportive, like-minded people I met helped me to process my career transition and shape my previous experience into a cohesive story. When I first applied to the Climatebase Fellowship, I was unsure about whether I should join. I had recently completed another climate course as well as an online coding bootcamp, and I was wondering if sinking more money into another program would be worth it. I decided to go for it and resolved not to do it halfway. In addition to connecting with other Fellows, I worked on developing a capstone project which enabled me to stretch myself and gain valuable skills that would transfer to my future career. During my interview process, I found myself referring back to experiences that I gained during the experience multiple times. I still feel connected with the Fellowship community, and in my job search I felt more prepared to work directly on climate.... more
For people already working in climate
George D.
Head of Commercial Media
The Climatebase Fellowship was outstanding! I found the curriculum incredibly interesting and I absorbed a lot of new information in a short time - providing a robust grounding in key climate subject areas. I work as a Head of Department for the soccer team Manchester City / City Football Group within a digital marketing capacity and have been able to build the foundations of a "Green Digital Manifesto" to decarbonize our digital output. This equates to robust measurement and emissions reduction across advertising, cloud computing, and content creation across all 3 scopes of emissions. There is a lot of work to be done, however, I'm pleased to have buy-in from several departments and the group's leadership. The Fellowship provided the knowledge and inspiration to construct the decarbonization framework while networking with Fellows was super helpful in refining my thoughts.... more
David L.
Senior Program Manager, Impact Transformation
I initially heard about the Climatebase Fellowship from others who gave it rave reviews! Although I was already working in sustainability when I started the Fellowship, I realized that the 'sustainability' industry can feel quite removed from actual climate tech, systems, and solutions. The Climatebase Fellowship was a great fit because it was far more accessible than a graduate degree while still giving me the technical acumen needed to have climate conversations and improve in my current job. It also offered networking opportunities and insights into future opportunities in the climate space. Even though I work in sustainability, I was not very well-versed in climate. The Fellowship has enabled me to delve into new projects at work that focus more on climate and to engage with experts in the field. It has also helped me to think about the future directions of the sustainability and climate sectors and where I want to make an impact within them.... more
Jonathan U.
Senior Demand Generation Manager
I applied for the Fellowship with a clear goal in mind: to transition my career away from conventional SaaS and into climate tech. However, by the time the Fellowship was set to start, I had already landed a position within sustainable agriculture. I wondered whether the program would still be valuable now that I had my foot in the door. What I found was that the Fellowship has something for everyone and is completely flexible to your goals. The curriculum sessions provided an excellent foundation in climate science and networking with other Fellows offered a high point each week. I left the Fellowship feeling inspired by and connected to my Cohort, with a network I can rely on. I'm also equipped with a systems thinking lens that helps me to be a better marketer in my current role. I would highly recommend the Fellowship to anyone interested in a climate career, whether you're trying to break in, just starting out, or need space to build your big idea.... more
Alex W.
Climate Impact and Regeneration Portfolio Associate
What sets the Climatebase Fellowship apart is the intentional focus on community building. Through the Fellowship Community, I’ve made connections and friendships that are still flourishing well after the program ended. We thoroughly covered a diverse array of sectors and received curated resources for additional deep dives. This was particularly valuable for me because though I have a very specific background, my current role requires working alongside various partners, solutions, and industries. The Climatebase Fellowship professional network and knowledge base have enabled me to do my job more effectively and confidently!... more
For early-stage founders & builders
Adam B.
The Climatebase Fellowship is a robust community dedicated to understanding and combatting climate change. The diversity of professional experience amongst the Fellows gives the program so much more dimension than the comprehensive overview and deep dive materials - strong as they are - could provide. The backdrop to my personal Fellowship experience was kicking off a fundraise for a climate startup I’ve been working on for some time. We’re developing a novel heat and power turbine with onboard carbon capture - a technology that touches upon distributed energy, bioenergy, and carbon capture/storage. The Fellowship's education and programming helped us think through positioning, while the Fellows community supported us through myriad questions early-stage startups face. I’m excited to continue engaging with the community, both to fill knowledge gaps and meet incredible people.... more
Nicole Y.
Product Management Consultant
I couldn't recommend Climatebase more to anyone looking to start a company in the climate tech space or transition into sustainability. I was already working in Precision Agriculture upon joining the Climatebase Fellowship but felt I needed a stronger educational base and network in the climate community. The educational material was extremely comprehensive (even for someone like me who was already working in Climate Tech ahead of the program) and I loved the opportunity to meet leading professionals in the space. I was also looking to flesh out my startup idea with people who had different backgrounds from me, find a co-founder, bounce ideas off of other founders and investors, and get candid feedback from potential consumers and investors to help guide the direction of the business During the Fellowship, I was able to meet and get feedback from investors in the space, find my co-founder, Matt Rosenbaum, and turn my capstone project into a real company, Dropseed Market, a sustainable online marketplace and educational platform.... more
Alex A.
Senior Manager
Before the Fellowship I spent 5 years at Convoy, a digital freight network, and decided to apply my logistics knowledge to write about the electrification journey for semi-trucks, launching during the Fellowship. The Fellowship was immensely helpful in connecting me with individuals who helped me start writing and introducing me to other industry professionals, and I found researching and writing for my capstone project to be incredibly rewarding. I gained extensive knowledge about EV trucks, charging infrastructure, and the industry groups dedicated to advancing transportation electrification. I engaged in over a dozen conversations with professionals across the industry, forming lasting connections. I also shared insights about my Capstone Project on LinkedIn, which significantly increased my engagement metrics, attracting over 40,000 views on LinkedIn and drawing more than 1,000 visitors to my Substack.... more
Lauryn M.
Joining the Climatebase Fellowship gave me renewed energy, focus, and motivation to apply my skills and expertise to generate positive change. The Fellowship equipped me with the knowledge to speak clearly about the climate crisis and the nudge I needed to expand upon an idea I had already been exploring. Off the heels of nearly two decades working in product development and design, I felt an urgency to address the issue of planned obsolescence and designed waste. This manifested as a Capstone project that explored the feasibility of scaling the remanufacturing of vehicles. I recruited a team of Fellows from all over the world, with a wide range of backgrounds and expertise, fast-tracking work that would have taken me months to complete on my own. When building something new, especially with the urgency that climate solutions warrant, quickly identifying weaknesses and opportunities is critical, and the Climatebase Fellowship is the perfect space for this. I'll continue to leverage the knowledge I gained from the curriculum and the findings from my Capstone project as I iterate and build upon it.... more
Learn from leading climate experts
Learn from and connect with climate founders, researchers, scientists, investors, and subject-matter experts.
Join keynotes, panels, deep dives, and more to meet, engage with, and directly ask questions to our expert guests.
Get introduced to dozens of climate leaders in your cohort and leverage your community membership to access future expert sessions.
Mike G.
Climate Investor
All the guests for panels, deep dives, and keynotes were great. They were also all very direct and honest which I appreciated. You got the sense they were talking to a group of insiders vs at something like a conference. The organization was great. Lots of reminders about sessions, clear who was speaking and about what. Enough lead time to plan my weeks around it as best I could. ...more
Kellie S.
Head of Operations
I got a much more nuanced understanding of the opinions and conflicts of opinions, (as well as unresolved challenges and hot-button issues), in each sub-field from the many different speakers we got to hear each week. So the multiplicity of voices was really amazing. This has already been useful in my job. ...more
Deepen your climate literacy
  • Learn to speak the "language" of climate to be competitive in your job search, your career growth, or when building your project or startup. Develop a comprehensive understanding of each major sector in the climate space with a focus on solutions.
  • Navigate and customize your learning journey by leveraging a rich array of live curriculum sessions, guest speaker sessions, office hours, study guides, collaborative focus groups and more.
  • Maintain your edge throughout your climate career with ongoing access to live sessions in future cohorts, up-to-date resources, and the ever-growing Fellowship community.
Audrey S.
Project Manager
I wasn't sure about my climate career path when I signed up for the Climatebase Fellowship. The core sessions were great in helping me understand the landscape of climate solutions and what areas I want to make an impact on. After the program, I had all the motivation, courage, and knowledge I felt I needed to take the next leap. I went from sitting on the sidelines to wanting to be a part of every project and help in every way possible.... more
Climatebase Fellowship program overview by weeks
Week 1
Welcome Week
Week 2
Climate Fundamentals
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5
Food & Agriculture
Week 6
Nature-Based Solutions
Week 7
Break Week
Week 8
Carbon Removal
Week 9
Corporate Sustainability
Week 10
Buildings, Cities, & Adaptation
Week 11
Circular Economy
Week 12
Graduation & Project Presentations
Meet your instructors
Neil Y.
View more
Matthias M.
View more
Julia A.
View more
Expand your professional network
Expand your professional network
  • Community is at the core of the Fellowship because a strong professional network is at the core of a successful career. Forge meaningful relationships through a variety of formats including professional interest groups, 1-on-1 and group matching, in-person meetups, capstone project teams, affinity and focus groups, and more.
  • After your 12-week cohort, continue growing your professional community and your career through ongoing networking opportunities within our ever-expanding global community of 1000+ top mission-driven professionals and climate leaders.
  • As an active community member, you gain the opportunity to elevate your personal brand and showcase thought leadership on Climatebase's platform, social channels, and newsletter.
Supercharge your job search
  • Climatebase will proactively highlight your jobseeker profile to our expansive network of hundreds of active employers. Plus, unlock the opportunity to personally meet employers through online job fairs exclusively for Fellows.
  • Navigate your job search with the support of dedicated workshops and office hours for job seekers, personalized feedback from our in-house recruiting team, fireside chats with professionals already working in climate, and more.
  • Leverage the Fellowship community to practice your networking skills, discover job opportunities, and get support from your peers.
Will Wiseman
CEO & Co-Founder of Climatize
If you're coming from outside of the climate industry, I would want to know what steps you have taken to proactively begin to build your awareness and fluency in the vocabulary and to understand the moving parts and considerations. Being in this Fellowship is a great step in the right direction because it does show that you're a proactive person. Climatebase is the right place if you want to find opportunities with employers in the climate space. We almost exclusively hire from Climatebase these days. ... more
Danan Margason
Chief Product Officer & GM of Platform at Carbon Direct
The Climatebase Fellowship on its own is a huge differentiator for job applicants. Something that separates candidates is a commitment to climate. It's just a lot easier to onboard folks who have some sense of the vocabulary and the ecosystem. There are a lot of people who can develop software, for example. There are not that many people who can develop software and care deeply about climate and want to bring that passion to our company. That will immediately make you stand out.... more
Gain experience by working on projects and startups
Do you have an idea for a project or startup? Are you eager to gain experience by working with others on their ideas?
The Fellowship offers an exceptional opportunity to pitch your vision to the community, collaborate with like-minded individuals, and gain support and guidance through dedicated sessions for capstone projects and startups so you can bring your ideas to life on an accelerated timeline.
Why work on a Capstone Project?
For early-stage founders, The Fellowship is a catalyst for pursuing startup ideas, discovering co-founders, and advancing your project within a structured, supportive environment. Gain supportive feedback from fellow entrepreneurs and investors, and showcase your startup during our Demo Days in the final week of the 12-week cohort. Notably, several startups accelerated through the Fellowship have successfully secured substantial venture capital funding.
For job seekers and explorers, working on capstone projects is an ideal opportunity to not only enhance their professional experience but also to deepen their understanding of a chosen topic, forge lasting connections with team members, and create impactful, real-world projects. Previous capstone projects have included diverse initiatives like media projects, research projects, nonprofits, and conferences.
Now more than ever, the world needs bold climate solutions to come to life.
This is your opportunity to make that happen.
Accelerate Your Climate Startup
For early-stage founders, the Climatebase Fellowship provides an unparalleled launchpad to refine your idea, find your co-founder or form your founding team, and accelerate your climate startup. Get everything the Fellowship has to offer, plus:
  • Pitch your ideas and form your teams with support from dedicated curriculum sessions for early-stage founders
  • Present your startup during our online Demo Days at the end of the cohort, and in-person at the Climatebase Launch Demo Day during San Francisco Climate Week (April 20-27)
  • Gain mentorship and feedback from other top climate founders and investors
Nicole Yershov
Co-Founder at Dropseed Market
I couldn't recommend Climatebase more to anyone looking to start a company in the climate tech space or transition into sustainability. I was already working in Precision Agriculture upon joining the Climatebase Fellowship but felt I needed a stronger educational base and network in the climate community. The educational material was extremely comprehensive (even for someone like me who was already working in Climate Tech ahead of the program) and I loved the opportunity to meet leading professionals in the space. I was also looking to flesh out my startup idea with people who had different backgrounds from me, find a co-founder, bounce ideas off of other founders and investors, and get candid feedback from potential consumers and investors to help guide the direction of the business During the Fellowship, I was able to meet and get feedback from investors in the space, find my co-founder, Matt Rosenbaum, and turn my capstone project into a real company, Dropseed Market, a sustainable online marketplace and educational platform.... more
Juan Camilo Mejía C
Co-Founder at Nobos
The support we received from the Climatebase Fellowship was beyond anything we could have imagined. We developed an MVP with fantastic UX/UI support, conducted 5 focus groups, 7 in-depth interviews, and engaged with users to refine our idea. We even started building our revenue model and launched a low-fidelity pilot. I expected to learn and grow my network in the climate space, but I never imagined we'd have 13 amazing people supporting us in building our startup! The climate community is eager to help, and the Fellowship has been truly inspiring.... more
The Climatebase Launch Scholarship
A full-ride Fellowship scholarship for top founders to accelerate their climate startups.
  • A full-ride scholarship. No equity exchange, no program fee. Purely value-additive.
  • Up to 20 top early-stage founders will be selected as recipients. To be considered, select "Launch a climate startup" as your primary goal when you apply to the fellowship.
  • Climatebase Launch scholarship recipients also gain free life-long employer membership for unlimited hiring on Climatebase’s jobs platform
Accelerate your climate career
The 12-week Fellowship cohort is an investment in your climate career, and the more you are engaged in the Fellowship, the more you will get out of the experience. Please review the program dates and times below.
The Fellowship fee covers the 12-week cohort and 1 year of community membership. Financial aid is available to those in need, and we encourage you to apply regardless of your personal financial circumstances.
Key Dates & Time Commitment
Program dates & times:
  • Applications for Cohort 7 are open. Cohort 7 will commence in Q1 of 2025.
  • Live sessions run Mon - Fri, within the window of 9AM - 1PM Pacific Time
    • Most days provide no more than 1-2 hrs of live sessions
    • You are not required to attend all sessions
    • All sessions are recorded
  • Recommended time commitment
    • For those not working on a capstone project: 7+ hrs/week
    • For those working on a capstone project: 10+ hrs/week
Climatebase Fellowship program overview by weeks
Week 1
Welcome Week
Week 2
Climate Fundamentals
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5
Food & Agriculture
Week 6
Nature-Based Solutions
Week 7
Break Week
Week 8
Carbon Removal
Week 9
Corporate Sustainability
Week 10
Buildings, Cities, & Adaptation
Week 11
Circular Economy
Week 12
Graduation & Project Presentations
Fellowship Fee & Financial Aid
Overall Fellowship enrollment fee: $1990
  • Includes a one-time program fee for the 12-week cohort.
  • Includes 1 year of Climatebase Fellowship community membership.
Need-based financial aid is available
  • Over 50% of past Fellows have received financial aid awards to support their climate careers.
Frequently asked questions
Find answers to the most common questions Fellowship applicants have.
If you can't find an answer to your question, please check out this more detailed FAQ page.
How much time should I expect to spend on Fellowship activities each week?
When are sessions going to be scheduled for during the day?
Are scholarships available?
How early should I enroll if accepted?
I submitted an application after the start of the Fellowship. Will my application be kept on file for future Cohorts?
The Fellowship Story
600 people. 24 employers. All in one room in downtown San Francisco. That’s where the Climatebase story began, at the world’s first Climate Career Fair in May 2019. Back then, there was no Climatebase website or weekly newsletter. But what was there, was a room full of talented people eager to get to work on solving the climate crisis.
The success of the Climate Career Fair inspired us to scale our impact by launching an online platform focused on the same goal: To get more people working on climate.
We founded and launched in June 2020. Since then, Climatebase has become the world's leading platform for climate employment. Our website has been used by over a half-million people around the world, and we’ve helped thousands of the world’s leading climate tech companies and environmental nonprofits attract mission-driven talent.
While we’re proud of our growth and impact, we’re determined to make it even easier for the world’s talent to transition into working on climate.
That’s why we’re launching the Climatebase Fellowship — a climate career accelerator for the most talented, mission-driven members of our community, designed to be a launchpad for the next leaders in climate tech.
We look forward to reviewing your application.
Accelerate your climate career

with the Climatebase Fellowship
Submitting an application takes ~15 min
Applications for Cohort 7 are open.
Want to speak at the Climatebase Fellowship, hire our Fellows, or get your organization involved?